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Fall Wellness Workshops

Past Events…


At Healing Reins, Summer 2024

ATTUNEMENT: What is it, why is it important, and how do I get more?

JUNE 12, 2024

The Living Center at Healing Reins, Dakota, MN

Cost: $10 per person or $25 per family

Want deeper connection in your relationships? Whether it be in parenting, romantic, friendship, or even work relationships, having healthy attunement brings depth, health, and connection. Join us to explore this important concept as we interact with the natural environment, our horses, and each other. All ages are welcome!

EXPLORING BOUNDARIES: How to have them, rather than set them.

JULY 17, 2024


The Living Center at Healing Reins, Dakota, MN

Cost: $10 per person or $25 per family

At Healing Reins, we are all about fostering healthy connection. Boundaries are an important topic relevant to every kind of relationship. No matter where you are in life, taking time to explore the concept of boundaries can be powerful. Join us as we discover what it feels like to have boundaries, rather than set them, and how that can benefit your relationships.


AUGUST 17, 2024 (Rain date)

The Living Labyrinth at Healing Reins, Dakota, MN

Cost: $10 per person or $25 per family

Labyrinths have been used for centuries as a tool to help the mind, soul, and heart engage. Join us at the farm to walk through our “living labyrinth”, set amidst our field of sunflowers and pollinator plants, and enjoy a time set aside just for you.

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